Guide last updated March 18, 2025
<aside> 📣 Hi everyone, this is elli. I've created this collection of guides to try to help myself (and other players) decide what SSRs to pull/invest in and when to use them.
A couple things to note before getting started (VERY IMPORTANT):
About the guides, the organization, and terminology used:
Recommendations/statements are of personal opinion.
The guides are best used in conjunction with the CN release schedule, but please keep in mind things may change on the Global server.
The collection is intended to be used as reference, NOT a tier list. There will be at least 1 illustra under each category, even if they are not ideal (if this occurs, it will be stated).
Illustras may be moved around. Comments will NOT be provided in this Notion. (You may check out the Google doc version for reasons behind these moves.)
The illustras under each category (except the “Others” sections) are recommended to pull/invest in per the individual commentary. Illustras under “Damage” sections are listed in order of recommendation (top to bottom) unless otherwise noted. This does NOT apply to the other sections unless otherwise noted.
The guides are sorted by ML, and each ML's illustra placements should NOT be directly cross-compared with other MLs' illustras.
Top-up SSRs (permanent and limited-time) will only be included after their official Global announcement.
Recommendations are based on current content on Global and projected Global schedule at least 6 months post-release based on the original CN schedule.
SSRs considered: through end of February 2023 on CN (流光肇始 patch) (this will be updated continuously)
SSRs in the “Others” sections released prior to April 2, 2024 will not have an image.
"DMG" will be used to represent "damage dealer" for brevity's sake.
“Pushing” may be used in place of “decreasing enemy ult gauge” for brevity’s sake. (This is derived from the CN term 推条)
About illustras in general: